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Get Serial Number Of Remote Computer

  1. It can be used to remotely get the monitor make, model and serial number from any computer on your network. There are two versions of the script available, one for a single computer or one for a list of computers.
  2. Useful Command Lines - To Get Computer Info Remotely Get serial number of the computer: wmic bios get serialnumber Get serial number of the computer remotely from system name: wmic /node:L12345. How to Setup Screen Mirroring on EZCast (M2) with Win 7.

Im trying to create a program or a script to remotely retrieve all the hardwares (computers, printers etc) serialnumbers and I was just wondering if WMI is necessary.

Powershell Script To List Network Computers Model

I do know about the basic

Get Serial Number Of Remote Computer For Windows 7

but this also creates some problems with access as you need administrator rights on both computers if I have understood it correctly and also that the remote computer is configured to allow incoming WMI request.

Is it necessary to use WMI for this or are there any other ways to go about this? I know that WMI knows anything you might want to know about a computer but Im interested in the serialnumber only for now, and only on windows enviroments aswell I might add.

So if there are any Im looking for tips on any other way around this besides using WMI as it causes alot of other challenges and the goal is to keep it as simple as possible for the user.


1 Answer

Nov 8, 2016 - After entering the computer name and pressing 'OK' it will return the part number, serial number and asset tag. (if saved to the systems BIOS).

Add the user switch to prompt an administrative login,

wmic /USER: Administrator /NODE: 'Computername' bios get serialnumber

Sean price mic tyson download. Also Remote Administration must be allowed on the target node firewall or it will fail, administrator or not

What Service Controls Remote Desktop


Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged wmiserial-number or ask your own question.

I want to know how to use WMIC to connect to remote host and output their PC's OS information(Installed programs list) to a file.

I tried


Get Serial Number Of Remote Computer Free

but i got error 'Node - <IP> Error: Description = Invalid query'

But Actually, i think i need to be domain administrator for permission.so i tried

I got error: Invalid Global switch.

I want to get all of PC's OS information( installed programs list) by using WMIC. (i think i need to access with domain administrator cause all of PC is joined with domain) and im an administrator

Please..help me ㅠ____ㅠ ah, it seems to be ok when i tried with just my PC.

Find Computer Serial Number Remotely

WMIC OS get name, vendor, version >> C:%computername%.txt

if i did like above, it is ok to get txt file. but i want to remote all PC and get an information file..@_@~~~~

one more question>> is it connected with Security policy or Group policy something? or Firewall something.....@_@;;

You can use this page to download a disc image (ISO file) that can be used to. The image can also be used to create installation media using a USB flash drive. Windows 10 iso download for usb. If you choose to download an ISO file so you can create a bootable file from a DVD or USB drive, copy the Windows ISO file onto your drive and then run the.


1 Answer

os get vendor - there is no such thing as an OS vendor, that's where the invalid query is coming from. See the available properties - there's a Version, but no Vendor:

And there is no /DOMAIN option in wmic either.

You could try:

It will prompt for your password.


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